As you move about your diet plan, one thing that you’ll definitely be taking in from time to time is a good old cup of coffee.  Especially when the weather turns cold, there’s nothing like a hot beverage to heat you up, be it a cup of coffee, tea, or a warm tisane.

The problem however is that as many people indulge in these warm beverages, they add in certain ingredients that are only going to increase the calorie count, increase the sugar count, and possibly drive saturated fat intake up as well.

Fortunately, if you get creative, you can find alternate ways to spike your coffee without adding these unwanted ingredients.  All they’re going to do is increase your chances of body fat gain and delay the uptake of antioxidants into the blood.

One of the best ways to enhance the flavor is by utilizing some key spices that will boost the taste while offering greater nutritional value.

Let’s have a look at the main ones to consider.


Cardamom has a strong yet very unique taste that will quickly change any cup of coffee or tea you add it to.  It has a slightly Smokey taste to it, but won’t come off as bitter, so works well with something like French Vanilla coffee.

It will also help to enhance your immune system while improving your digestive processes.  Add a light sprinkle to any beverage you’re preparing.

Fresh Orange Zest

Fresh orange zest is the next ingredient to consider adding.  This will pack in some vitamin C and serve as an antioxidant in the body to help fend off free radical damage and ensure that you feel your best at all times.

Fresh orange zest tends to work best in a tea, however can also be added to coffee if that’s what you desire. It is quite strong however so just use a very tiny amount and add more if your flavor preferences demand it.


Cinnamon is the next spice that you should definitely consider adding to a cup of coffee here and there.  Cinnamon is going to help to improve your blood glucose control, decreasing the chances that you experience a blood sugar low.

In addition to that, it can also help enhance your overall cholesterol profile, so is an excellent one to have in place.

Sprinkle a half teaspoon into your coffee grinds before brewing.

Star Anise

Star Anise is a Chinese spice that can help to promote better digestion and help to fight off the flu as well.  It will offer a distinct taste that is best served up in a cup of tea, however if you’re a coffee lover, don’t be afraid to use it there as well.


Nutmeg is the last spice to consider adding to your cup of coffee that will offer strong flavor and help to act as an antimicrobial in the body, protecting you from bacterial infections.

It should be added in with just a light sprinkling as its flavor is quite strong.

So there you have the primary spices that you should consider adding to your cup of coffee or tea next time you need something to warm you up.  Forgo the cream and sugar and you’ll be happy you did.

What are some of your favorite toppings to add to your coffee or tea?


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