If there’s one thing that you should be making an effort to do as you go about your diet plan, eating more veggies is it.  Vegetables are the one food that most people are not getting nearly enough of in their menu and it’s severely costing them in results.

Not only are veggies loaded with important nutrients that your body needs and are high in fiber content, but they’re also going to help to fill you up so you have an easier time maintaining that reduced calorie intake for the day.

That said, vegetables are one food that most people don’t exactly enjoy, so getting more in proves to be a challenge.  Use these tips however and you’ll find it’s a lot easier than you anticipated.

Use Greens Powder

One of the easiest and fastest ways to get more veggies in is to incorporate greens powder into your drinks or smoothies.  Greens powder is very easy and simple to use and will provide all the nutritional benefits of whole veggies.  It won’t fill you up quite as much as real veggies would, but it still will be very effective at helping you improve your nutritional profile.

Even myself, I supplement with greens powder by adding 1 tsp of Athletic Greens to my shakes or smoothies twice a day (for more info you can check the website at http://www.AthleticSuperGreens.com)

Prepare Your Veggies In Advance

The next quick tip to help you get in more veggies is to make sure that you’re preparing them in advance.  Pre-chop your veggies and have them sitting in the fridge so they are ready when you are.  If you have to come home and spend 20 minutes chopping veggies, you’re much less likely to get them in.

Make sure that you always have a low-calorie, low fat dip on hand as well so you can serve them up as a snack at any point as well.

Add Veggies To Your Shakes

The next fast an easy way to add more veggies to your day is to incorporate them into the shakes that you’re having.  Shakes are an excellent way to meet your nutritional needs without having to invest hours in the preparation process but yet many people completely overlook adding veggies to these shakes.

Spinach tastes excellent in a shake as do juiced carrots, so those are two great options to consider.

Add Veggies To Stir-Fry’s

Stir-fry’s are the next place to add more veggies to your diet.  A stir-fry is quick and simple to create and is a very healthy meal when served up with a lean protein and as many veggies as you can handle.

If you’re not using low carb dieting strategies, place it on top of a bed of brown rice and you’ll have a complete meal that’s high in antioxidants, fiber, and nutrients.

Prepare Veggie-Packed Omelettes

Finally, the last way to add veggies to your day is to add them into an omelette.  Omelettes are great for the breakfast on the run and the eggs will provide a very high quality source of protein.  Dice up some carrots, peppers, mushrooms, and onions and pan fry them first before adding the eggs to the mix.  You’ll help to increase the bulk of the meal, making it more filling in the process as well.

So there you have a few fast and easy ways to boost your veggie intake.  Make sure that you give all of these a try.

Got any other tricks you would like to share?


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