Health Benefits Of Honey
One of the often stated top things to be doing if you want to promote better fat loss is cutting out all the sugar and its derivatives from your diet. And, while there is absolutely no questioning the fact that if you want to achieve good health, removing sugar is a wise choice, honey does have some benefits to note.
As long as you do keep the serving size to a reasonable level to control your calorie intake, you can and should consider adding this food to your diet.
Here are some of the primary facts to know about honey.
Did You Know?
When bees produce honey, they are actually adding key enzymes to the substance that creates chemical compounds that will convert the sucrose to fructose and glucose. Because honey has a higher level of fructose content, it proves to be far sweeter than table sugar is alone.
In addition to that, 2% of the honey is what is home to the vitamins, minerals, and pollen found in honey.
Finally, honey is also an excellent treatment to put on burns and can help to relieve your pain quickly while fostering faster wound healing with minimal scarring.
Star Nutrients In Honey
Perhaps the most interesting and notable nutrient that’s found in honey is iron. While all the dosages of nutrients you take in with this food will be in quite low levels given it’s calorie content (and the fact you should only consume a small dose to avoid over-consumption on calories), they still should be noted.
Honey will provide you with calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, as well as a small amount of fluoride to help foster strong teeth.
How Honey Can Help You Lose Weight
Because honey is composed of both glucose and fructose, it won’t spike blood glucose levels as much as pure table sugar would. For this reason, it can help prevent the blood glucose crash that would drive you to eat more food – and eventually wear your system down, putting you at risk of diabetes.
This isn’t to say however that you should just eat as much honey as you want. Too much fructose is a problem as well and would quickly convert into body fat stores.
To keep yourself at a reasonable intake, limit yourself to just one tablespoon a day, which would contain 64 calories.
Another benefit to honey is that it can help to keep your total cholesterol count down and reduce the chances of fatty acid formation on the organs and other body tissues.
Furthermore, it also has antibacterial properties to it and has been used for years as a natural healing substance.
Overall, honey is a nice natural sweetener to add to your cup of tea or to stir into a bowl of oatmeal first thing in the morning. It will provide a quick boost to your energy level and help you avoid that sugar low like a dose of sugar would.
So don’t overlook honey any longer. Next time you need a sweetener, it’s the one to turn to.
3 Responses on Health Benefits Of Honey
Elizabeth says:
June 12, 2014 at 3:18 pm
Janette says:
June 12, 2014 at 6:54 pm
Karine Losier says:
June 23, 2014 at 2:40 pm