Whether you’re looking to lose fat or just want to improve your overall health, one food that you absolutely must get in place with your diet plan is spinach.  Many people have a  love hate relationship with it.

They love the nutrition that it offers their body but hate the way it tastes.

If that’s you, then you need to look for simple ways to incorporate it into other meals that will easily disguise the taste so that you can get it back into your diet.

If you don’t even realize the benefits that spinach has to offer, then that’s the first place for you to start.

Let’s look at why you must be adding spinach into your day.

The Nutrition Of Spinach

The very first standout nutrient found in spinach, with a single cup offering more than 1000% of your total daily requirements is vitamin K.

If you are low in this nutrient, spinach is your solution.  Vitamin K is required for proper blood clotting and will also help to keep your bones strong.

Spinach is also a great source of vitamin A, manganese, folate, magnesium, as well as iron, which is vital to keeping your energy levels where they need to be.

If you’re like many women and are reducing your red meat consumption, chances are you are already low in iron intake and spinach will help to fill this void.

Spinach is also a great source of vitamin C and will provide potassium, calcium, vitamin E and dietary fiber.  It even offers a small dose of omega fatty acids, so for those who are on a strict diet plan, this is one very good way to meet your intake.

Spinach is very well known for the antioxidants it supplies you with and will be a terrific way to help lower the amount of oxidative stress on the body.

This is important to help keep your health in top shape and to prevent the process of aging.

Quick Tips To Get It Into Your Diet Plan

So if you’re still hung up on the taste of spinach, what can you do to add this into your day?

First, consider adding it to foods you’re already preparing so the taste will be disguised.

This includes adding it to a lasagne, making it into a dip with low fat source cream and Greek yogurt or cottage cheese, or adding it right into an omelette.

Or even try adding it to a “Healthy Pizza”

Here is the recipe for our own version of this healthy Pizza over on Dave’s blog…just add some spinach in place of another veggie and enjoy!

Healthy Rustic Chicken Pizza <– Just add spinach

That’s a very easy way to add it into your day and chances are you won’t even notice it in there.

Some people will also choose to add spinach into their protein shake, giving it a ‘green’ effective that will promote optimal health.

Finally, don’t overlook the obvious – replacing half the normal lettuce you use with some spinach instead.

So there you have the main facts to note about spinach.  It really is one of the highest nutritionally dense foods that you could be eating and will help to promote maximum health very well.

Do you have any favorite meal ideas with spinach I didn’t share today? Please post below 🙂


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