Health Benefits Of Fish

One of the top-rated protein sources for you to be considering if you want to boost your
overall nutritional intake and encourage greater fat loss results is fish. Fish comes in so
many different varieties as well, so there’s little risk of getting bored and you’re bound
to find at least one variety that you truly do enjoy.

One thing to remember about fish, however, is that the different varieties will contain
some mercury.

Therefore, you need to be sure that you are choosing lower mercury options as often
as possible.

Let’s walk you through how having a higher intake of fish will benefit you.

Did You Know?
Those who consume fish on a regular basis, taking in at least two servings per week,
will tend to show decreased rates of heart disease, stroke, and cardiovascular disease.

What’s more is that a high intake of fish is also going to help you improve brain health
as well due to the omega fatty acid content found in it.

Star Nutrients
The exact nutritional profile of fish will vary based on the particular type of fish you
choose, but generally speaking, you will get a good dose of selenium, vitamin B3, vitamin
B12, vitamin B6, phosphorus, vitamin D, choline, potassium, vitamin B1, vitamin B2,
as well as magnesium.

In addition to that, you can either choose fatty varieties of fish such as salmon and
mackerel, which will contain a high dose of the omega fats or the near fat free varieties
of fish such as cod, tilapia, or bass, which will contain pretty much 100% pure protein.

This makes fish an ideal food for fitting into any diet plan. Whether you need to
increase your fat intake or decrease it, you can find a fish for the occasion.

How Fish Helps You Lose Weight
Fish is going to help with your weight loss efforts due to the omega fatty acid content it
contains. While the level of fatty acids will be far higher in the fatty varieties of fish as
noted above, even the leaner varieties will still contain a small dose of omega fats.

These will help to boost your insulin sensitivity level, which then means that you will
be more prone to burning rather than storing fat and will handle carbohydrate consumption
better as well.

Furthermore, as fish is such a good source of dietary protein, it’ll also really help out
with tissue repair and rebuilding as well, which will enable you to come back to each
workout feeling as strong as possible, ready to burn fat and give full effort.

Fish also cooks extremely fast, taking just 5-8 minutes to prepare depending on your
method, so is a very fast and easy option for those who are pressed for time but want
to maintain their healthy diet plan.

So keep these points in mind and make sure that you are including fish in your diet
regularly. If you aren’t, you’re missing out on a stand-up food that would definitely
do your diet well.

What’s your favorite fish? Please share in the comments below 🙂